The Girl On Harley (First Love)
By Tsering Tenzing Ghale @ Story Of My Tattoo ¨It was a fantasy but real for a 15 year boy.¨ - Dave, Canada ¨I inked my first tattoo. I used needle and Indian Ink. I do not know why it is called an Indian Ink. I bought it from a store. They thought it was for my pen. But it was not. It reads ¨L O V E¨. I was 12 at the time.¨, Dave shared. Dave bred horses as a profession until his accident. Dave bought Daytona (First Horse) for 400 pounds. The first time he saw it, he wanted it. It reminded him of the mustang back in Canada. And so he did. In time, he took part in competitions. He won and won. And this inspired him to go for more competitions and raise more horses. One businessman offered him 20000 pound but he rejected it. Before he had retired, he had raised eight horses. The three horses inked on his stomach are Daytona (mother, first horse), Shakira (daughter) and Kasha (show winner). These three played the most important part in this life both; competitions as wel...