The Girl On Harley (First Love)

 By Tsering Tenzing Ghale @ Story Of My Tattoo

¨It was a fantasy but real for a 15 year boy.¨ - Dave, Canada
¨I inked my first tattoo. I used needle and Indian Ink. I do not know why it is called an Indian Ink. I bought it from a store. They thought it was for my pen. But it was not. It reads ¨L O V E¨. I was 12 at the time.¨, Dave shared. Dave bred horses as a profession until his accident.
Dave bought Daytona (First Horse) for 400 pounds. The first time he saw it, he wanted it. It reminded him of the mustang back in Canada. And so he did. In time, he took part in competitions. He won and won. And this inspired him to go for more competitions and raise more horses. One businessman offered him 20000 pound but he rejected it. Before he had retired, he had raised eight horses. The three horses inked on his stomach are Daytona (mother, first horse), Shakira (daughter) and Kasha (show winner). These three played the most important part in this life both; competitions as well as in regular life.
¨Where was your horse farm?¨
¨It was in England. I moved there to see my grandparents. But I ended living there for long. And that´s where I had started horse breeding. It was really amazing. I enjoyed everyday; wake up, groom the horses, shine them, check their heels, take them for a ride around and feed them everyday. It was the most beautiful part of daily life. I would be doing even today if I had not met the accident.¨
¨I am sorry to hear about your accident. Would you mind if you could share a little about the fall?¨
¨No, No it is not a problem. It is life. Many things happen in life. One day, I rode my horse as usual on the highway. Suddenly, two trucks came from behind. They came so close that my horse blind-bolted. I got up, pulled the range and the moment I sat down, the saddle hit me hard. It hit so hard that I could not sit and handle it. It broke my pelvis. There was nothing I could do. I was in a big pain. Awhile later, I jumped off the horse to the green grass and the horse ran straight to the stable where I landed badly. We were very close to the house. I got up but I could not move much. And that´s how it all went by......It was a big accident. I was in the hospital for month and took months to recover fully.. I have a metal in my hip bones. It joints the bones. It is doing very good. After the accident I felt really angry and pissed off. I sold all my horses and begin a new journey. That was the time, I realized life is too short. We got to live in the most adventurous way we can. I also got a tattoo that reminds me ¨One life Live In¨. We do not get a second round.¨
After the accident, Dave had decided to travel the world. He works 4 months and travels 8 months. He loves to travel cheaply no matter which country it is and camp in the beautiful spots. He does not hire porters neither a guide. He carries his own bags and his map is his guide.
¨You are in your 40s. You have a good job, good income, family, good house but are you happy? No, not at all. You got to travel, see the world, see the other side of life, meet other people, learn their culture and language, and more. Having big bank balance does not give the happiness you seek. Knowing the world gives you the happiness you seek in life. Is it not?????¨
Dave travels to England to spent time with his family; 4 children, 11 grandchildren, meet his ex-wife (best friend) and visit the foster home in Canada. ¨The foster home took me when I was in the struggling stage. They helped me get on my feet and showed me the road to life. They are my second parents. I always wanted to thank them But I did not get the time. But after the retirement from the farm I visited them. Every time, I visited them they always welcome me with warm heart just like in the old days. They are really happy and appreciate my comeback to the place. I also work in their hardware store without any expectation.¨
¨How did you meet your ex-wife? Was it love at first sight?¨
We laughed about it. He pulled down his glasses and said, ¨I cannot remember exactly every detail…I was walking down-town. And I saw in the coffee house. I did not go and talk to her. I just enjoyed the moment seeing her. In time, I told her friend about my feelings and that´s how everything started….we got married and have 4 children together…now we are very good friend….whenever I am in England I visit her and her family. She has 2 children with her hubby. We get along really well; she, children and her new husband.¨
¨Was she your first love?¨, I asked in curiosity.
¨Nah…you might have to stop writing and listen to this. Maybe you will remember it better and for long?….Look at this one (Showing me the portrait on his left arm)…She is my true love. She has never cheated on me. We are from the same town in Canada. My first love. I felt in love the moment I saw her. I was 15; young but shy. She was 25. She rode a Harley motorcycle. I always love Harley motorcycles. And she looked so beautiful on that bike. The angel of my life……..¨
¨Did you date her?¨. We both laughed about it. But I was more curious this time. I wanted to hear every little thing I could. I wanted to hear him say,¨Yes I did.¨ But….
¨No. What would a 25 year young beautiful girl do with a 15 year young boy? I have never spoken to her. I loved her. I was madly in love. But I could not say my feelings because I was scared she would say ¨No¨. I did say ¨HI¨ a couple of times. But that´s it. Nothing more. I didn't want her to know anything. Every time, I heard a motorcycle sound I turned my head to see if it was her. In time, my friends knew about it, too. If she had organized a competition in which the winner could date her, I would always be on the first one in the line.¨
¨I had a similar incident back in school. I was in grade seven. My health teacher always treated me differently than anyone else. I do not know what her intentions was. Maybe I was the matured one (Laughing). She would teach 45 minutes and spent the rest 15 minutes with me. Everybody was curious about it. However, she was very clever to handle the situation. She always created a scene like I was in a confusion and she was helping me out. Maybe I was her favorite student and she wanted to show a motherly love (This time we laughed even louder). But honestly, if she did make a move today, I would not stop myself to date her. So how long did it last??¨
¨I think about six months. It was a fantasy but real for 15 year boy.¨, Dave said.
¨Aye, not long enough.¨
¨So one day, I visited a tattoo shop. And, on the whole I saw the love of my life. And without a second thought, I decided to get her inked. And that´s how I have on me. It will always be with me. I will carry her with me till the last breath because I like said she was my first love who never cheated on me.¨
Dave´s English ex-wife does not have a Canadian citizenship. Canadian law states ¨A person must have lived in Canada for three years in order to get a citizenship¨. And she did not make the three years. But they moved often back-forth. Their children has the Canadian citizenship because of their father´s citizenship and because they went to Canadian schools, too.
Dave has inked the memorial dates of his mom, dad and grandson. His mom passed away on 13–02–2015. The Iris flower represents her name. Her name was Iris, too. The date 29–11–2012 was the day his dad passed away and 25–11–2011 was the day he lost his grandson.
The prayer wheel was inked in memory about his time in Nepal the first time. He was in Namche, Solukhumbu, Nepal on 25 April 2015. He considers himself to be the lucky one to be alive. He had seen about four dead bodies on the runway. And broken houses in Namche. He walked around the community and saw the worst. But the interesting part was that, the people had got on their feet and back to normal on their own. He had been airlifted by a non-governmental organization to Kathmandu.
Back home, he walked around the community to raise funds. Sadly, he could not meet his target. He even walked about 1000 km. The funny part was that he walked about 53 km in a day. He felt glad but an older guy walked 63 km a day. ¨We had been advised not to send anyone to Nepal because at that point the government took away the money for some reason. Maybe the money launderers had taken the advantage of the situation. I do not know why, may be this and may be that?¨, he shared.
The other important tattoo are ¨God I trust You, Comino De Santiago¨. He is not a religious person but he likes the art. The ¨God I Trust You¨ began with a hand then Virgin Mary, Jesus, Roses and Cross. This in time became a masterpiece. He liked the concept and so his artist at Ron´s Tattoo Inn., London.
Comino De Santiago reminds about the walk he did in Spain. He walked 1000 km there. He wishes to settle down in Spain later in life. ¨Spain has the perfect weather and place I want; the air, people, nature, oceans, and so on.¨, Dave said. The yellow arrow states the right direction a pilgrimage is going to.
¨We got the idea about your profession, tattoos, love, marriage, children, travel….What else is missing?….Oh yes, you have got your new masterpiece from artist Kovit? Why did you chose him for this masterpiece?
¨I went to a studio to get a small tattoo in Nepali. They asked me to come the next day. I went like they asked me. But they said they were busy and kept me waiting for such a tiny tattoo. I never got it. Then 4 days ago, I came to Ink´s Inc. Tattoo. I met Kovit first. I told him about my idea. He liked it. And the moment he got my idea he began his work. He asked me to come later in the evening. I came back and he has my design ready already. This was very impressive. I got the first design on my chest. It was very impressive. I shared the news with my family back in England. They all loved the work. I got more impressed with Kovit. At 12:00 in night I messaged him ¨Thank you Kovit. You have done an amazing work. I am really happy.¨ He messaged me back. He was still working on the remaining part of the design. He did not had to do it, but he was doing it. And this was really an impressive. Now you see the difference between the previous studio who made me wait and wait while Kovit worked late night for me.¨
¨I enjoy meeting people. The last time I met a Dutch lady who was totally against getting inked in Nepal. She managed to make the other client not get a tattoo in Nepal. But you love it. The world is full of mixture (Laughing at myself). So how long has the sessions been?¨
¨Today, is the third day. And 2 more left. Kovit will do the last session before the convention. I have changed my dates for my trek to Everest Base Camp for him. It is a masterpiece. I am really happy with the work. He had done an amazing work. I cannot thank him enough. I will come back for the last session from Chitwan in weeks time and in 2018/2019 for another tattoo from Kovit. He is booked in that year for sure. His work and his customer service is really impressive.¨
We had planned for an hour. However, we spent more than 2 hours. We really enjoyed the moment. Dave shared not only about his life experiences but also what I can do in life and should enjoy doing. He is really an inspirational person that I have met. And probably the third person from Canada that I have written about. We greeted each other goodbye after the coffee. And I disappeared to write about ¨Every Tattoo an Experiment - Artist Andrew¨. Artist Andrew is a guest artist at Ink´s Inc. Tattoo, Thamel from Russia.


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