Becoming A Woman (Aurora Oz)
By Tsering Tenzing Ghale @ Story Of My Tattoo I think it was third round around the stall that day. I walked round and round for stories. Till then I had not found one. First round, I had nothing with me. I mean a notebook to scrabble information or a camera to click pictures. I was empty and that was the first time. Every time, I had my notebook and laptop with me. But not today. I do not know why I had not carried them. Maybe, because I wanted to look professional or maybe feel free or maybe be lighter. Maybe is only what I can think of. Emotions aside. On my third round, I lost control of the ground. A beautiful girl with an amazing full neck tattoo appeared at the stall before I passed by it. She wore her tattoo like a necklace. It truly was an ornament on her. Her eyes were mesmerizing one. And so was her smile. She did not had to smile big, just a small one did lighten up the whole room. I stepped back without anyone knowing it. I looked around the stall for an ex...