Hero Of The North

¨We serve coffee to our guest. The stronger the coffee the warmer the welcome. We even produce thin coffee from the bark of the trees. These are not used for highly respected guests.¨, shared Timo, former electrician and a professional skydiving camera flyer/instructor.
Timo´s father is an electrical entrepreneurs. This made him get involved in the family business. He earned good and enjoyed the work. But, there was more physical work and less creativity. And so in 2013 he quit his job to pursue his license in skydiving.
The same year (Summer), he got his license. He did not get the job immediate. When he got it did not last long. In June 2015, he got into a big accident. It nearly took his life. He had many broken body parts; head to toes. It took him three months to recover. He felt like a dead man living. Creative work lover spent 3 months on complete bed rest.
During this period, he thought a-lot about his career. He became stronger and bolder. He realized he had been given a second chance to live. After he got his health certificate that stated he is healthy he went on to tour Europe. He toured Europe on his caravan and lived a short nomad life. He enjoyed to the fullest; make friends, enjoy food, taste the culture, and partied hard. And did some tattooing in Portugal. However, he left because he felt his work was not quality enough; standard he wanted and thought.
Energetic and physically strong young Timo started BASE jumping after his Europe tour. It is more risky than skydiving and unlicensed. He traveled back to Finland from Portugal with higher expectation. On his way home, he met few good friends. He then continued as skydiving camera flyer/instructor where he met lovely friends and colleagues. He found most young learners very funny because anything he said they only said ¨OK¨ and nothing else. ¨They were nervous because they had little knowledge about skydiving. But there were few who questioned.¨, he said. BASE jumping was his hobby and skydiving camera flyer/instructor as a profession.
He did more risky stunts and acts. He loved it. However, somewhere he felt he wanted to do something that has more creativity involved. And so he decided to take skydiving (camera flyer) profession and tattooing in balanced.
¨So what made you chose tattooing career?¨
¨I always did sketches since my childhood. At that time, I was very good. But when I reached my high school I had stopped because I was too into job and money. However, when I was in Portugal with Karma Dai (Brother) got into it again. I spent almost 24*7 with him. He taught me the basics. I only did three things; study, skydiving and tattoo. I drew various sketches, mostly skulls. Soon I returned home….¨
The coffee was already brewed. We took a coffee break. I had coffee without sugar like artist Timo. We sipped the hot coffee. It burned the bottom part of my lip. I hid it away. He did not noticed it. He leaned back against the wall. He like the taste of the coffee. I came to know that the artists in the studio drink a minimum of 5 cups a day. It surpassed my average. The Finnish coffee culture was discussed during our coffee break. It was so interesting and attractive that I could stop myself from putting in it on the opening part.
¨Back home I stopped tattooing again. I was too involved in the BASE jumping and skydiving job. I had no time for the field I love. Because no practice means no quality and no studio means no mentor. And even during my Europe tour I had stopped tattooing completely except few in Portugal.¨
The two buddies were always in touch on messenger. He shared his passion in tattooing. And without a second thought artist Karma had invited young artist Timo to Portugal. He loves travelling and so he took the opportunity. There he learnt basic tattooing and studied for the university entrance test. This took place on his first visit to Portugal. However, young Timo did not apply for university entrance test like he had planned.
¨So how do you know artist Binay?¨
¨I met him in my first visit to Nepal. I met him in his studio. He had been waiting for my visit in the studio because Saugat brother (who he met in Tatopani during his first visit to Nepal) had told him about me and my interest in tattoos. Binay Dai inked the skull (mixture of Hinduism and Buddhism with OM). It is a Tibetan skull. The rest is modified. Since my childhood I was interested in skulls and always found peace in it. There is so much mystery in skulls. It is simple, cool and easy. I did rather have a skull design than butterfly tattoo because beauty is only in the eye. For example scientists finds humans existence or extinct animals know-how through skulls. The red color was added later…….When I was free in Finland, I messaged Binay Dai. I asked him if he will be able to teach me tattooing. He said that if I want to learn with true passion and determination I need to start quick.¨
At first young artist Timo feared; what if artist Binay is not impressed with his sketches. Artist Binay had given homeworks to young Timo. Everyday he worked on his sketches; skulls, flowers, lady faces and so on. He had two choice; skydiving or tattooing. He had fears because he felt that only few people can become artist. However, artist Binay opened his mind. He got proper guidance that he had never expected. Artist Binay said, ¨If you are truly passionate and determined about tattooing you will master it at any cost. Are you ready????¨ to young Timo. This made young Timo think deep. He did not reply immediately that night. He thought about it the whole night. He hardly slept that night. The next morning he said to himself, ¨If I love it so much and enjoy it so much I should master it. I should do it professionally. I got to do this and right this time.¨
And so confused young Timo decided he will go to Nepal and learn the art under the guidance of artist Binay Gurung. One big reason he chose artist Binay is the full sleeve tattoo. The tattoo is magnificent. The color is same as the time it was inked. There is no change in the color nor shape. It was perfect yesterday and so it is today. Artist Karma says, ¨I know many great artist in the world. But I do not know anyone personally like I know Binay Gurung from heart. He is the greatest artist of my life.¨ This statement made young Timo even more curious to be trained by artist Binay. Moreover, he has seen other young artists who have turned professional in 3–4 years under the supervision and guidance of artist Gurung.
¨When I landed Kathmandu, Binay Dai and friends picked me up at the airport. It was such a warm welcoming. Their love for me is immense. I do not have a word to describe it. The moment we reached Binay Dai´s home I was nervous and afraid to show my sketches. But Binay Dai was cool and very understanding. He asked me to be calm, patience and show him the sketches. I gave him my sketches. I sweated a-lot and when the sketches was in his hand I sweated even more.¨
This time my phone rang. My good friend had called. First ring, I did not receive it because it was disrespectful. But young Timor advised me to receive the call. ¨When are we going to the convocation?¨, my friend said on the phone. We have our convocation on 20 Feb. 2016 at Pokhara (City of Lakes). I will receive a medal in front of thousands of young graduates for my outstanding academic achievement major in Banking and Insurance. We will leave for the lake city on 18 Feb. And then I will get drunk on 20 Feb. the night of my convocation and return the next day in hangover.
¨Binay Dai loved my sketches. He said that I have done well and got good skills. It made me very happy. I cooled down and my sweats had dried away. And from that day on wards, I have been under the guidance and supervision of Binay Dai. Every day, I am learning something. I am starting from the root level; clean the machines, studios, arrange the chairs, setup the tables and so on.¨
Young Timo had made his mind up before he got his ticket to Nepal. He had decided if he do this time, he will begin from the ground level with much love and passion. He also stated that it is very difficult to get apprentice in a studio. In the past he failed in tattooing because he never got an apprentice in the studio, but today he has got the opportunity and he will not messed it up.
Young Timo got his first tattoo (Tribal Design) as a 18th birthday gift from his mom. She gave him because she could not say no to him. He was so much into getting a tattoo. However, she had advised him not to get more tattoos. But he could not keep his promise. Every time, he traveled he went home with a new tattoo. The first tattoo took about 8 hours to complete. He felt much pain inside but he acted strong. Deep inside he was dying while outside he was the superman.
The Compass was inked on his chest on his first international visit to Bangkok, Thailand at 18. ¨Follow your heart like you follow your compass that leads you to the right direction because if you do not then you mess everything up leading to nowhere.¨, he said. This travel changed him into to be a different person. He came to know that everything we see on the television and articles on newspapers are not true, completely. Today, young Timo travels almost every winter because he learns a lot from traveling (something new every time). And going far from home he sees things closer and clearer.
The Ukulele guitar was inked in Gorkana, India by artist Appu. The studio was a very tiny one. And there was a Tom and Jerry printed blanket on the bed. And many flash designs on the walls. Every time he is stressed out, he plays the four string instrument that cheers him up and makes him very happy. It is a magic that enlightens his mood the moment he hear the first note. On the neck of the instrument the phrase ¨Everything is Possible¨ is written in Karnataka language. It is a very famous saying in Karnataka. A friend (Gefen, Israel) he met during his travel had shared with him. The neck has purple color symbol of mysteries and illusions that involves mind games.
He shared that his body is his temple that he wishes to fill it with lots of arts. And he cannot ignore beautiful designs that has creativity. One can find tattoos related to his past memories (profession, travel, interest, likes and incidents).
In the end, we talked about funny moments, emotional shirt (Heroes of The North) and Finland education system. The emotional shirt was given to him by Ms Sirpa who provided skydiving as well as personal level guidance to young Timo. The shirt is only given to few people who deserves it and young Timo deserved it for his capability, believe and energy he put into his work.
In Finland, a student gets free meals for attending school while in Asia we have to sell everything to go to school. At the end of 2016, the Finnish government has come up with a new rule from January 2017. Every student who enter Finland from third world countries excluding Sweden and few EU countries do not have to pay tuition fee (minimum of 12000 euros annually excluding accommodation, lodging and insurance).
The funny moment young Timo experienced was the time he got the skull tattoo. It was quite cold. There was heater but no oil to run it. Every time, we said tomorrow and tomorrow. Months passed and tattoo was completed but the heater never got the oil. He froze every day even though he had two hooks on. We laughed a-loud. This was my second time in the studio I have not controlled my excitement. And, young Timo´s Nepali name is MUSA (Rat). Rat people are charming, assertive, protective and relentless and born with leadership qualities. He likes it and whenever anyone calls him by this name he cannot stop laughing. And in time, the whole room is filled with laughter he shared.
Young Timo will stay in Nepal as long as possible. And when he returns home he will continue with tattooing as a profession and skydiving as hobby in balance.
Photo Credits: Nicolas & Mauri & Timo


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