Wolf (Two Sides Of Life)

 ¨You are walking towards a forest, Do you think the tree leaves will be like; autumn ( no papers and you can see the sun) or spring (little bit of sun) or like summer( cannot see the sun)?¨
¨Why are you asking me this? I am little confused.¨, I said with a smile.
¨It is nothing at all. You can choose any option you wish.¨, he said (laughing).
¨Then you pass through the forest; you find the fence easy to pass through or little high you need to jump over or the fence is so high that you cannot pass through?¨
¨I will find an easy way to pass through..I mean I will just walk through it.¨
¨Then you find a house, do you think there will be stairs or no?¨
¨I think there will be stairs for sure.¨
¨Then you enter the house and you find an old box. Do you think you will find a silk shawl or antique collections?¨
¨Hmmmm…Silk shawls¨
¨This means you have hope, dream and you are fighting for it. Nothing can stop you from your dream. You miss the romantic part in your life and sometimes you need the help of others. Am I correct???¨
¨Well….(silence)….90% you are correct.¨, I replied (laughing). I wanted to tell him it was 100% correct but I could not. Maybe I was little bossy, I think. Or maybe, stubborn. He is so correct that I miss the romantic part a-lot. It has been 5 years that I have been single, why would not I miss it? Of course, I have all the right to it. It is not just the romantic part, I miss every single moment with my ex. Wish there was a single word to describe it and wish I could go back and make everything right again. But, it is too late.
I went blank when Wega concluded. This was the first time my psychology was studied. I cannot describe the feeling I felt at that moment. I went numb, totally. I had no words. I only said, ¨Thank you!¨ and that was it. Curiosity flowed in my veins, I felt it, easily and was so amazement. I asked him, ¨How did you do that?¨
¨I studied psychology. However, I did not continue because many of my friends went too deep and I did not like it myself. Moreover, I did not have enough time because my 24 hours were divided into two parts; psychology and engineering study. Everyday, I only studied and studied. I studied so much that at one point I was completely done with it. Many psychology students also go crazy because they go too deep into it……¨, replied Wega (smiling).
Currently, Wega is in the cabin crew in Dubai. He enjoys it a-lot. He said that it is a wonderful place and really like his current career. Wega said, ¨We have a choice to choose; Yes or No. It is the two sides of our life. And this is my philosophy.¨ He simplified with an example; the only way not to be raped is by being happy because rapist only rape a person who fear them.
¨When you are in the professional world, we must always protect each other. We must create a brotherhood environment. And, always complete the assigned work in time. It is very simple; more hands more powerful, more good the better you are.¨, he shared.
He added, ¨We must always take risk and deal in group. And, you protect your employee, you will be their guy. This gives you better output in time.¨
He surprised me every single second that increased my curiosity continuously. I was like, ¨How come this guy knows so much. What did he eat? From where did he come? What is he in real? Am I dreaming? Is this real for sure? Was this guy sent to educate me? Or was he here to help me achieve my dream?¨. I questioned myself constantly because every single word he spoke just brought smile on my round smiley face. And all I wanted to do was just listen and listen. This is why I did not break-in when he spoke. Normally, I am a talkative boy and more irritating. But not today, I just wanted to keep my mouth shut and listen. That was it. And that was what I did.
We then moved to the tattoo topic like I did with every other friend. I felt awkward because he was in the middle of a very interesting and educative topic. I could not stop blaming myself. I wanted to keep him going but I felt I must not waste his valuable time. He only had few hours to spent before he fly to Dubai, for work.
¨What tattoo do you have?¨, I asked him politely.
¨I have a wolf tattoo. I had designed it and it took me more than 9 months.¨, he answered more politely than I could imagine. My politeness was nothing compared to his.
¨Do you have a name for your tattoo?¨
¨Yes, I call it Two Sides of Life.¨
¨Why is that so?¨
¨Well, everything in life has two sides; good and bad. Especially, we humans are something else inside and something else outside. Even in life, I switched my full career to be a cabin crew from engineering. I am enjoying this life career better than the last one. Each time I see my tattoo, it reminds me of my old days (job) and advises me not to trust anyone (policy). However, the brighter side represent my current life. It reminds me that there is a bright light on the other side.¨
¨How was your old days? I mean why does the dark side represent your old job specifically?¨, I asked in apologetically.
¨I left my job to start my own company. I had given full authority to deal with my bank accounts to my ex company. One morning, along with the mail papers I had signed a document mistakenly. My ex company had planned it. They took every penny that I had saved to start a sister company. And, I went back to the starting point.¨, he said in a pale voice.
There was a short silence. We spoke not a word. He then filled his cup with his fourth coffee. And, offered me a cigarette. He flipped the lighter and the fire came on. I lit my cigarette and so did he. We enjoyed our cigarette in silence. By this time, the sun was already out. He put on his sunglasses. I just enjoyed the warm sun on my cheeky and oily face. It was after such a long time I had sun light on my face. Everyday, I stayed in and met friends in the sun´s absence.
¨Everyday I worked more than 8 hours a day for 7 years. And, in the end I lost all my money. I was deceived by the same people I had trusted the most. ¨, he concluded and swiped his coffee.
Another silence broke out. This time it was longer. I scrabbled on the paper he had filled in with the details. It became too untidy. I read and reread every little words he had written and I had written myself. I apologized to him for making it so dirty. He said, ¨It is your paper, not a problem.¨ And we laughed out loud. And, another silence again. This time, I spoke first.
¨Do you think you will remove your tattoo in future?¨, I asked in broken voice.
¨No, not at all. I designed it. Plus, it has already become a part of me. It reminds me of the philosophy I believe in that is the 2 sides of our life; THE GOOD AND THE BAD.¨, he answered with a big smile.
I check in again from top to bottom if there was anything I had missed. We had talked about his beliefs, jobs and his tattoo. There was nothing more I could asked him. He asked me if he had missed anything. I replied, ¨No, not all I believe. However, can I message in Facebook if I forget anything?¨
¨Yes, absolutely.¨
We ended our morning meeting there. Brother Wega disappeared for about 5 minutes. The waiter came by. I asked him for the bill. His answered surprise d me. Brother had paid the bills. I felt little unhappy because I had invited brother and he paid the bill. This is completely wrong, isn´t it? Before we said our last goodbye brother said;
¨Remember you work for yourself not for others.¨


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