The Eye

By Tsering Tenzing Ghale @ Story Of My Tattoo

¨I was in that moment of life where you get totally confused. You do not know what to do next, what you want to do, where to start, how to start and so on…And that´s the time I met Binay Gurung brother. He is my guru……my adviser…. my source of motivation…..¨, shared Kovit Rai (Artist in Ink´s Inc. Tattoo, Thamel).
Kovit had completed his high school with flying colors. However, his life took a turn when he was in the engineering field. He shared that he never completed the degree. He got influence and roamed around bunking classes. But, he completed a diploma in Humanities, Indian Board.
¨Can you tell me more about your relationship with Brother Binay Gurung?¨
¨Brother Binay gave me the platform. He saw my great interest in tattoo. Without a question he got me in. He trained me and polished me. I am here with him even today. I am absolutely sure that I will be working with me really long. He is a big brother to me….a teacher…..and a legend to me, personally….¨, replied Kovit.
¨Why did not you join art field after high school?¨
There was a short silence. I did not speak. I did want to disturb the moment. He was thinking, that I can tell.
¨Hmmm….art was only a hobby at that point…I had filled my school desks and college desks with various drawings and sketches. It was just so fun thing to do. But I never gave a deep thought to it, like I said it was only a hobby at that point…the other thing is that my dad is a teacher and I got every necessary guidance I wanted in my studies…and since I was good in studies I joined in time was very popular (more respect and more money)…..¨

He recalled that at the beginning stage, he felt like he knew everything. Even when he inked a small tattoo, he thought he had become a pro and became very proud. But the more he practiced and inked, the more he felt he knew nothing at all. He shared, ¨When you are a beginner, you feel you are superb good. You feel as if you have read and practiced ever little details. But the deeper you get into it, you become more curious and hungry. Every day you feel you need to learn when you are down into it. You must be hungry enough to get in and learn every small things you can..¨
Artist Rai´s parents has always been very supportive. He said that ¨My parent´s always supported me and they still do.¨ and never said ¨No¨ to learning new things. Even when he decided to learn tattooing, his father motivated him to do so. They had purchased his first tattoo machine which was very expensive in those days. Yes sometimes they questioned him about his earning, it is practical, isn´t it??? Anyone´s parents would do it, would not they???????
¨Sometime, my dad ask me how will I earn money? and he questions will the money I earn now be enough when I have my own family?¨
We did not know what to say so we just laughed. Before, he continued a client entered the room. He had inked the client a day before. He came back to get cream since he could not get it in the market. Artist Rai asked to me to excuse him in the most polite manner I can imagine. I tried to see what design the client had but I could not get a sight. It was inked in his chest. And he had worn a pull cover with a hat. They went to the other corner of the waiting room. In about 3 minutes, the client was gone with a warm goodbye. It took us about 2 minutes to get on the track again (laughing).
¨So what do/did you say to you parents when they say that (Laughing)?¨
Another silence took in. In 2012, an Englishman took my first speaking test (IELTS). In the test, he said that I only spoke the sentences with a second thought. He also mentioned that I knew exactly what to say next thing in my interview. I saw something similar with artist Rai today. However, he was more cautious to his words than myself. He knew exactly what he said and had to say. I did not have that skill in 2012. If I had, I would have been long gone from Nepal (Laughing at myself).
¨Every time they said that I told them to be patience……everything will be alright…..will earn enough money in time. And, I said that ¨Nothing happens with a click¨ but with happiness….and we all laugh about it…¨

Artist Rai has an eye tattoo on his left arm. The eye reminds him of his past. However, it is dedicated to his present sight. He shared that about 4 years ago, his eye sight was very weak. His power was about minus six. After the laser surgery he did not had to wear glasses. This was a miracle to him.
Portrait of Amy Winehouse on the same arm represents his highest respect to her. He shared that he feels the pains and sorrows in her songs. He feels her feelings through her songs. ¨Legend Amy, left us really early. But she left behind a-lot. She is not physically around. But having her portrait means she is still alive, she breaths while I breath. To me she will be gone only when I am gone.¨, he said. His voice was very low and filled with emotions when he spoke about Legend Amy.

While the rose and lady face was a cover up to his previous tattoo. They do not have a specific meaning. However, it is the art of his guru. So basically, it speaks the relationship between the student and teacher.
He dedicates his left arm to artist Gurung. He states that he is really happy with the awesome work of Artist Gurung. He also mentioned that it is a gift from his guru that will be with him throughout his life and that he can take with him when I leaves this world.
The Elements Back-Piece (Water, Fire, Air, Wind and Land) on his back was inked during the Nepal Tattoo Convention. It was inked by Artist Bimal Rai (Tattoo Legend in Nepal) and artist Raph Cemo who has more than 60 thousands followers around the world. The design was completed in 5.5 hours. He states that both the artist have high respect in the industry and considers them as legends. He felt a lot of pain but he digested them because legends inked him. This master piece is also a source inspiration for him to choose tattooing as his career. And the work gave them the award ¨Best Of The Day¨ in the convention competition.
We spoke for about 30 minutes. When I had nothing to ask him he joined Artist Gurung in the renovation of the studio. I second check my notes if I had missed anything. And, I tried to remember every word he had said. But my mind was blasting with the story. All I had in my mind was ¨I will start this way, follow with this and end that way¨. Since, I did not want to disturb anyone and get diverted I left the studio in happiness. We farewell with big smiles.
Artist Raph Cemo worked at Kids Love Ink East in London until recently; he now resides in Canada and works as a permanent guest in San Diego, Oakland and Chicago.
Artist Bimal Rai is from Dharan, Nepal where he own a studio with the name Static Engravers Tattoo Workshop. He is also an artist in Jad´s Tattoo Studio.


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