Buddha´s Eyes
Who is your role model? Favorite celebrity? Parents? Relatives? Who is it? Mine? I have not figured out yet because I want to be a businessman or a banker or real estate agent. You see I am stuck in the middle of three things. I am at the point where I am confused totally. This is me Tsering.
Manish role model is his younger brother Sailesh Maharjan. They grew up; ate in the same plate and slept in the same bed. ¨Sailesh was always good in arts. Everyday he was busy. There was not a single day I saw him free…He influenced and inspired me to be an artists. If it was not him, I would have been in a completely different field………¨, shared Manish.
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Manish at Deeper Shades Tattoo |
The two brother worked day and night to sharpen their skills. Everyday they experimented their creation. They even built their own machine from the broken parts of toy-cars. They inked their friends who helped them build huge portfolio. Manish recalls, ¨When we had our first studio there were very few studios in Nepal. I think around 5 in Thamel and few in Freak street and Dharan; that was it.. but now studios are everywhere...¨
Their career begin from their bed room. The first month they inked their close friends who brought in more friends. And in time, they became very popular. Everyday, there was someone who wanted to get inked.
Today, Sailesh operates a tattoo studio in Dharan (City of Fashion) who also has a great taste in painting and lyrics. While Manish inks in a studio in France. Together they own Deeper Shades Tattoo, Thamel currently managed by artist Ram (cousin). The studio was established after they had saved enough capital. By this time, they had purchased their first western machine and there was huge flow of customers daily. Manish has inked the machine on his arm as a memory. At that period, only few studio had that magic.
Manish believes in true love. He states that love is the most powerful thing. He says, ¨Being in love and being loved makes the butterflies in your stomach dance…when you are in love you feel the fresh air everyday..you feel as if the wind blows to the direction you want…I felt like I was in the wonderland where love is scattered around everywhere….it's just so amazing and unimaginable feeling you can experience…¨
His words touched me really deep. And, curiosity filled me. And so I requested him to share his love-story………………
¨We met in a cycling event a year ago.¨, recalls Manish who inked the Buddha design himself. Manish is married to a beautiful French girl. The angel is Marie and they reside in France now.
¨Marie told me that she wanted to get inked by me only. I got confused and excited at the same time. I inked her just like any other client. Later we went to a bar for a drink where my friends performed. I did not know what songs were played. I was lost in her conversation. I felt the waves but I could not surf. Then, Marie said…….¨, Manish blushed away.
He blushed again. My curiosity level rose from zero to straight 100. I waited for him to complete his sentence. ¨You know, I had fallen for you the first time I saw you, Marie told me. There was a moment of silence. I did not know what to say. And so I just smiled. She smiled back and there was the click.¨, he ended (smiling).
And this is how Manish and Marie´s story begin with a smile. In time, their affection grew bigger and bigger that ended as husband and wife.
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Manish and Marie |
I asked him, ¨What do you do to make her happy? Ahm…like how do you make her smile…. or what makes her forget everything….well… I personally did everything my girl asked me to do back then…¨
¨I only smiled and that is it…. I did not say a word. Whenever she was upset with me I only smiled.¨, he replied laughing this time.
He shared that his smile was a medicine to Marie. Even today, he smile exactly like in the old days to cheer up Marie.
Let's get back to tat. ¨The Buddha represents the most peaceful moment of my life. I feel peace whenever I close my eye….it's very surprising that we turn peaceful with our eyes closed. Its a miracle, isn´t it? You see nothing when you close your eyes besides happiness and joy. You see no pain, no suffering..nothing at all..there is just peace.¨,
My eyes caught another tat on his hand while he was explaining me about Buddha. I saw a design of a tempo. My curiosity turned wider. I questioned him, ¨Why tempo? Anywhere... it is related to you?¨
¨...Yes…well….tempo was very famous during my teenage. I traveled everyday on it; be school or time out with friends and family. I grew up travelling in it. During my first year in France I missed Nepal very much. The tempo represents my nationality as well as my youth.¨, recalled Manish in a joyous voice.
The baby symbolizes how a tiny semen turns into a huge person in the unknown world. The baby also symbolizes the best moment of our life. As a baby, we live the happiest part of our life. We do not have to worry about anything. We get food when we are hungry and mother´s milk when we are thirsty. We do not have to clean out litter nor do we have to worry about other people´s perception towards us.
¨What can be better than a baby´s life?¨ we questioned each other. And, neither of us had an answer to it.
Manish shared, ¨It is not easy to work under someone. You have to work under deep pressure. You have to come early and leave late from work. Moreover, you cannot work in freedom.¨ .
¨France has more opportunity..very hygienic..good vibe and artist are highly respected. The studio also pay me very good. However, I am working to open my own studio soon in France because I want to be the boss of my own… ¨, shared Manish.
He added, ¨……Marie has always been very supportive to me. She is my angel who understands me and know me very well. She loves and cares me a-lot….¨
¨…..that motivates me to work harder…..makes me stronger and confident everyday. I am truly thankful that she came into my life, very thankful.¨, he concluded.
Our good-bye was a different one. And, educative day I must disclose. He introduced three energetic and humble artists who will provide me more stories. And, information about Sir Babu Raja Pradhan, too. He shared his knowledge about yesterday´s tattoo and today´s tattoo scene in Nepal as well as his experience in France. I am happy that I met him in the process.
Buddha´s eyes are closed because he is under mediation. Buddha believed that human find the most peaceful moment when eyes are closed. That is why Buddha had his eyes always closed during his mediation as well as on his last day on earth.
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