
¨Dad gifted me a guitar. I was in the 6th grade at the time. And, since then he always supported me and influenced me…¨, said Krijen Tuladhar well known as Kizzu among his colleagues. He performs in La Bella Cafe, Thamel with Swapnil Shrestha (Astral Band - Vocalist/Guitarist). The live show takes place everyday Friday and Saturday from 6:00 p.m. - 10:30 p.m.

¨Is your Dad a musician, himself?¨, I asked in curiously. ¨No¨ was his answer in short and simple format.

Besides his live performance, Kizzu teaches music in Triyog H.S. School, Elites Co.Ed. and Baba Boarding School in Kathmandu from Sunday to Friday. As an instructor he says, ¨I learn a-lot from my students. Everyday, I am learning something new. The students are very intelligent and musically talented. It is really fun to work with the children….I love it…Moreover I make a lot of friends and my network is rising daily…¨
Before he met Jeevan (Astral Band - Vocalist/Guitarist), he only knew the basics that he had learnt from his cousin brother and online sources including music books. Jeevan sharpened Kizzu´s skills in guitar and vocal. His passion and rhythm skills compelled Jeevan to take Kizzu into the band. And so, young Kizzu began as a live performer since 2011. Astral Band is famous for Glam Rock of 80´s and 90´s covers.
The waiter entered the scene with a big smile. ¨What coffee would you like to order, sir?¨, said he. I was surprised and shocked at the same time. It is funny, isn't it? The cafe offers bakery, continental dishes and various drinks. And yet the waiter offered only coffee varieties. I went like, ¨Dahhhhhhhh¨. When the waiter left with 2 Americanos order I asked Kizzu, ¨How come the waiter only offered coffee varieties?¨
¨Well…every-time at this time I order coffee..hmmmm…maybe he thought as regular…¨
This is the funny thing in Thamel. When you became a regular customers, the restaurant knows exactly what you will have. From my third day in Roots Bar, I never had to order. The waiters know exactly what I want. I have my first cup of black coffee with 5 fresh beans in 5 minutes and sometimes before I have settled down on the same table with the music of my choice and volume. I love this feeling, this friendship and facility I am offered. It is amazing I must say.

¨I am a big fan of Fender brand. It is the biggest brand I have known. Plus famous musicians like David Gilmour, Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton and more used this brand…The Fender guitar tattoo represents my passion for music and dedicated to my music passion…simply¨, shared Kizzu happily. He has been using the brand since last 8 years in his music career.
The guitar involves three different stages. Firstly, it comes out of the skin. Secondly, it travels and then finally it goes back into the skin. The secret behind this design speaks the journey of a musician. The first stage reveals, the birth of music in Kizzu naturally and his passion for music. It also reflects his inner skills and knowledge about music. The second phase explains, Kizzu´s everyday experiences as a musician and as a teacher. He says, ¨The second stage denotes the give and take part of music. Every minute I am learning something. It is a musical journey that goes live every second of my life...¨ And finally, the music goes back into the skin. This means that music travels back to the soul for modification so to come out with more strength and power the next day.
In short he says,¨This tattoo signifies my relationship with music. Moreover, music is a source of pleasure that nobody can live without........¨

Along with the guitar, there are other designs too. Kizzu´s arm is covered with music theme. He has music notations, G-clef, tape and other musical signs. Soon he plans to have more music related tattoos from his most trusted artist, Dinesh Maharjan who runs a studio at freak street, Basantapur.

In the near future, Kizzu wishes to start a music company (marketing/production/management…) since being a musician is enough but not sufficient enough. And, he also has an experience working with International Sound System (ISS). He wishes to be as famous and skillful as David Gilmour (English singer, songwriter, composer, multi-instrumentalist and record producer).
By this time, the watch read 6:00 p.m. We swiped the remaining coffee. I wish I could spent more times with him and learn about the music industry (about musicians, the ups and downs artists faces, how bands are formed, how music is marketed, how much musicians earn from live performance, what is the cost and the sacrifices a musician have to decide, and many more)…………..
Fender is an American Manufacturer company well known for its solid-body electric guitars and bass guitars (stratocaster, telecaster, precision bass, mustang and jazz bass.
It was founded in Fullerton (California) by Clarence Leonidas in 1946 as Fender Electric Instrument Manufacturing Company.


  1. Keep it up bud, you will be there someday. Good luck!

  2. Good to hear just make sure you don't forget who have helped you to reach this place keep it up in high

    1. Thanks mate, will surely remember, cant forget it at all \m/


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