¨I was always interest in art and always curious about creative work. My first painting (a pot with lots of colorful flowers) was hung at principal´s office. There was not any thought, I just painted.This made me superb happy, really happy. since then I gave continuation to it until one day……..¨, said Samir currently enrolled in Fine Arts program in Shrijana College of Fine Arts.
The pot represents Nepal and the flowers - Nepalese. Nepal is called ¨A garden of beautiful flowers of various colors¨.
There was big turn in Samir´s life. He changed his career track completely. After high school, he studied Hotel Management. There were three things behind it; study hotel management, go abroad and earn money. He recalls that going abroad was a very popular trend and fashion. He spent 6 beautiful years in the hotel industry. However, he did not clear his papers in time even after several attempts.
Today he enjoys being in the art industry as a painter. He believes that art is the field he found the peace. He has no regrets of any sort in his decision. In the near future, he hopes to see himself as a reputed and highly skilled painter.

Recently, Samir got inked a peace tattoo at Bajra Tattoo Studio. It is very unique design. Along with peace symbol, there is a love sign and splashed colors . He says, ¨I am a very peaceful person at all time. I do not like violence of any sort. I do not hold grudge with anyone. The peace symbol represents my goal to earn the highest level of peace in my life. While the love represents that we should love the young and respect our elders. And finally, the colors carries the message of happiness in my life….¨
¨I could not bring peace in my country But I could bring it on my hand.¨, added Samir in joy.
Samir shared that he had experience many violence incidents. ¨Peaceful Nepal has turned into a politically conflict zone. There are always fight due to the political circus….Maoists signed the peace agreement, the king was thrown out, new systems came, new ministers and new prime ministers but peace was only in the book…even today all the political parties are fighting for seats instead of creating peace in the country…¨, Samir said in dissatisfaction.
¨A young girl is sold to the brothels, children begging on the streets, homeless dying in the streets, a new born murdered by young mother, a girl raped in the farm, a wife beaten by her husband and in-laws……where is the peace???????¨, he added in a hard voice. This time his voice was angrier.
He even questioned, ¨How come one man is sleeping on the street while another man is sleeping in a room decorated with all kinds of ornaments?¨
¨Where is the peace we all long for?¨
It was a very intense conversation. I listened carefully to every word. And when he stopped, I went blank but in deep thought. I questioned myself like he did. Sadly, I could not find the answer to my own questions. I wondered and so did my mind. I then changed the subject with a question.
¨Do you have any other inks?¨
¨Yes…. OM, Rock N Roll and Freedom.¨, he pointed them carefully.
The OM and Freedom tats represent the hippie lifestyle and practices. He believes that hippies live the most peaceful life in freedom. He also stated that he does not like to be under anyone´s control.

The OM and Freedom tats represent the hippie lifestyle and practices. He believes that hippies live the most peaceful life in freedom. He also stated that he does not like to be under anyone´s control.
¨What about under the control of the parents?¨, I questioned jokingly.
¨Parents are exceptional case….they know what is right and what is wrong for you…they brought you in this world, they guide you and show you the path..and parents put you under control so that you can be a good person in life, isn´t it?¨, he answered in joy followed with a smile.

Likewise, the Rock N Roll is dedicated for his love for music. He finds inner peace and joy in music.
In this way, Samir dedicates his tattoos for peace and freedom in life.
Peace was derived from Latin word ¨Pax, Pac ¨ and Old French word ¨Pais¨. There is not a single country that is peaceful and secured. The topic has become a global quest. The conflict that lasted for 10 years interrupted the peace in Nepal. Development programs are halted from time to time even thought the peace agreement had been signed.
UNMIN (United Nation Mission In Nepal) deployed in Jan. 23, 2007 under the request of the Government of Nepal supports the peace process in Nepal.


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