Lion Head

we watch television once in a day (morning/afternoon/evening). we all have our own reason and interest. some of us might go with TV-series while other might enjoy movies (Hollywood, Bollywood and more) while some might dance to music videos. in the 80s and 90s family watched television because it brought the family together. it was during the Television hour that the whole family discussed about their day. However time change and so people. today, we have television set in our own bedroom, kitchen, guestroom and washroom. researchers say television has been negatively taken in the modern time that has increased the distance among the family members as each of us have one television set; Mummy watches her daily show in the kitchen, while daddy is in the bedroom with his news channels, the son and the daughter are in the bedroom watching their favorite music videos.

In Nepal almost 90 household out of 100 enjoy television. Here it is like the 80s and 90s western time at the moment. Parents invite their children to watch television and speak about the day. Parents ask their children about their likes and dislikes and school time. Parents watch a-lot of educative channels like national geography, news channels national and international with their children. ¨Television is our family get-together machine. We watch it every evening when everyone is at home. At television time our family member cannot be out of the house. This has become our tradition since my father´s time and was pass on to me. I am happy that in our family, television has played such a good part and bring the family together once in the day. Even at my busy schedule I make time for family show¨, says Prabin Maharjan a share market investor from Lalitpur.

Prabin enjoys Animal Planet Channel. He watches every time he gets a chance. Even though he has a tight schedule due to his business he makes a time for his favorite show. In the Animal planet, he enjoys lion documentary/shows a-lot. He finds lion stories very amazing and fascinating. He considers lion as a source of bravery, success and a majestic animal. He also enjoys the sound of the lion roaring and finds it very attractive.
The Lion Head on Prabin´s left arm signifies the characteristics of the lion such as bravery, furious, majestic, attractive and courageous. Prabin says, ¨Having the lion on my body makes me to be brave and furious to do the right thing.¨ It was a 7 hour work. The lion head was inked in YALAINK TATTOOZ by Azay Shakya, Lalitpur. Pravin is curious how the lion head would come out in time and he feels little nervous whether it will suit on him or not. However, he is very excited with it. I asked him if he would remove it and he said, ¨I feel that one must have a tattoo before one dies. Culturally, the one thing we will take with us when we die is our tattoo. Our ancestors also say we can trade our tattoo if the heaven guards do not allow us to enter the heaven. I am very delightful at the moment. I am confident that my lion will protect me at all time and inspire me to work hard. And, be in the king in the investment business just like the Lion.¨

Lion is a symbol of authority and command over subconscious thoughts (as night is an ancient symbol of the subconscious /dream states). The lion asks us to not overdo in certain areas of our lives, instead, keep an even mind and an overall balance in our life activities. the lion represents wisdom, royalty, power, dignity, ferocity, dominion, authority and justice.

Hindus believe lion is an avatar (embodiment/personification) of lord Vishnu whereas Egyptians considers lion as the ferocious heat of the sun and was seen in the likeness of Sekhmet who is the Egyptian goddess known as the Eye of Ra (she is the power that protects the good and annihilates the wicked).

What ever the belief may be we can learn the lessons from the Lion such as; we must have courage and faith, we must stand tall and remember our birthright of power, we must hold our head high even in times of conflict and conduct our-self with dignity, we must defend the things that are dear to us fiercely, and so on.


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