Dream Catcher

My name is Tsering and I hate hospital. It increases my goosebumps. But on Sunday morning, I had no choice but to visit a hospital for medical check up. It was one of the criteria/requirement for my scholarship. It is a do or die. I had paid my bill and came to know that my name is on the bottom just like in my school attendance lists. I gave my seat to an elderly woman. She was in her late seventies. She thank me after she settled down and blessed me. I felt warm but questioned, ¨Did I do something great?¨
The hall was packed with new patients and from yesterday. But there were only one helper and a nurse for four different check-ups. Nurse Jasmin recorded my height and weight with the other details (Name, Age, Religion and so on). And again I waited for my turn. It was a funny moment because everyone was confused with my name. My name is a cock-tail one, they say.
The UV machine broke down. The last five patients including myself have to wait for another hour. Thunders roared and waves emerged in my empty stomach. All I could drink was water and eat nothing until I had my UV test. I sat at the middle table in the canteen. I got my third water bottle. I took my first gulp. And then Nurse Jasmin came to the scene. I asked her how long it will take she said, ¨No idea.¨ She got her coca-cola. We laughed again about my name joke. It was funny, really fun.
She told me she was an intern. But she did not tell me how long she had been there. However she did tell me how much longer she will be in the hospital. I explained why I had to get the medical check-up. ¨I am applying for a scholarship and medical report is a must. Besides I write stories about Tattoos. I am just using my free time until the first stage of scholarship begins. It is only a start. I do not know where it will lead and be (laughing).It is called - Story Of My Tattoo. I find it very fascinating how tattoos are related to their owner and beautifully inked.¨, I said in a low voice.

¨I got recently a Dream Catcher. Ahm.....it represents a dream for freedom as I am freedom lover. I hate being bounded. The birds represents that I want to be free as the birds; do what I want to and be wherever I wish to be.¨, she said when I asked if she had one.
¨Would you mind if I see it?¨, I requested like a gentleman. She showed it to me. It was on her leg. It is very beautiful, honestly. All I could say is ¨Thank you! It is amazingly awesome.¨ I asked again, ¨ Where did you get inked?¨
¨Eros Ink Studio¨, was the short replied. ¨It was a big decision to get it. In the nursing field, nurses are not allowed to have tattoos. And the scary part is none of my classmates has one. I was afraid at one point. But now I feel happy and glad I got it. It reminds me of my dream at all time.¨, she said.
¨Can I write about your tattoo if you may, Please? ¨, I asked politely.
¨Sure. That would be lovely…..¨ Before she could complete her sentence the helper called in. She had to ran. I sat there blind at first. And then my mind started to blast with ideas.
One thing I learned from Nurse Jasmin is ¨To catch your dream you must chase it¨.
History: The Ojibwe believe that a Dream-catcher changes a person´s dreams. it also states that ¨only good dreams would be allowed to filter through…Bad dreams would stay in the net, disappearing with the light of day.¨ The shape of Dream-catcher is circle because it represents the sun, moon and month - travel each day across the sky.


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